ALL NEW Emotional Efficacy Training

Professional training for professional clinicians with Dr. Aprilia West, PsyD, MT, PCC

NEW ON-DEMAND split classroom FORMAT

Empowering Clients to Harness Their Emotions AND Take Values-based Action

Your life is made up of moments of choice. In those moments you choose to act either on what you’re afraid of or what you want to create. When you develop a powerful relationship with yoru emotions, you become infinitely more choiceful. Emotion Efficacy Training is designed to empower coaches and therapists to help clients 

What is Emotion Efficacy?

Emotion efficacy is your ability — and your belief in your ability—to harness experience, decode your emotions and act on what matters most in context.

What is Emotion Efficacy Therapy?

Emotion Efficacy Therapy (EET) was developed to help people develop more powerful relationships with their emotions and increase their wellbeing and performance. Blending Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and exposure therapy into a brief 8-session treatment, the emotion efficacy protocol can be administered in clinical individual, group and organizational settings.

The EET protocol helps people learn to respond more intentionally, flexibly and creatively to emotion triggers and to take action aligned with their values in moments of choice. This means not only learning to better tolerate distress but also to dial down the intensity of emotional experience and consistently pivoting in moments of choice to take action aligned with their values. Because the skills training is highly experiential, it helps clients not only learn what they can do differently, but how.

Why Is Your level of Emotion Efficacy Important?

Because emotions are your primary motivational system, they inform the 35,000 choices we make everyday. As a result, your relationship with emotions is at the heart of your choices and action, how you relate to your emotions and choices gives you your level of emotional efficacy. This is why low emotion efficacy negatively impacts client behavior, wellbeing and performance.

People with low levels of emotional efficacy tend to struggle with:

  • Low levels of emotional awareness and fluency

  • Chronic styles of reactivity or over-control

  • Disconnection from values, meaning or direction

  • Rigidity around beliefs, biases and behavior

  • Preoccupation with past and future

  • Unhelpful or destructive behavior patterns

Since an estimated 75% of therapy clients struggle with low emotion efficacy, it’s essential that therapists know how to help clients harness their emotional experience while staying focused on what matters.

Benefits of Emotion Efficacy Therapy

You want to help your clients cultivate high emotional efficacy by giving them the broadest range of tools possible.

Emotional Efficacy Therapy (EET) provides novel psychoeducation grounded in neuroscience, learning theory and contextual behavioral science, 4 evidence-based emotional efficacy skills, recorded and live demos and experiential practice.

With increased understanding of emotional experience, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and values clients are positioned to make choices that move them towards what matters to them, even in the face of stress, challenge and pain. A growing body of evidence suggests the EET protocol is effective for significantly increasing emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and reducing avoidance behaviors, anxiety, depression, trauma, and addiction relapse rates as well as overall wellbeing with just 8 weeks of treatment.

In addition, EET can be integrated into therapy approaches as an adjunct to helping clients increase their wellbeing and performance.


About the Training

Empowering clients to harness their emotions and take values-based action

This new Emotion Efficacy Training has expanded to include materials not previously included. The format is both live & on-demand training is divided into 7 learning modules offering video didactics, recorded experiential demos, reference handouts, worksheets, homework prompts and guided experiential scripts to use with your clients.

In addition, there will be two optional 3-hour live sessions each quarter at different times . These sessions will a variety of learning opportunities including real-play demonstrations, EET skills practice with a partner, and Q&A with Dr. West. 


Participants will learn to help clients:

  • Decode emotion triggers (defaults + values)

  • Observe and Label all parts of emotional “STUF”

  • Surf emotion waves instead of reacting

  • Clarify and act on values in moments of choice

  • Regulate emotions when needed to act on what matters most

  • Track the function of actions using the WTF? inquiry

  • Practice skills in an activated state so the learning ‘sticks’

As professionals you will also be able to describe the role of emotions in mood, motivation, learning and decision-making, and why imotion efficacy is essential for mental health and well-being.

You will learn to recognize common presentations of low emotion efficacy that lead to mental health problems and languishing.

You will learn to identify underlying psychological processes that inhibit emotion efficacy.

You will increase your confidence working with emotional activation.

You’ll learn a trauma-sensitive stance to support a context where clients can effectively engage with aversive emotional experience.

You will observe professional demos of Dr. West working with clients using structured exposure-based practice.

Participants will receive learning tools they can use with clients including: diagrams, reflections, experiential exercises, and links to guided online emotional efficacy practice.

And, for those attending live sessions, you will have an opportunity to practice with a partner.


Participants will leave the training with:

  •  New learning tools in the form of over 40 new handouts and worksheets you can use with clients that include: diagrams, reflections, and experiential exercises

  • Instructional decks that can be used in individual, group or training settings

  • Access to guided online emotional efficacy practice

  • Optional practice in live sessions to increase your skill and confidence to apply EET skills with your clients


This course utilizes a split classroom format including 2 three-hour live sessions designed for different time zones + 7 on-demand video modules with psychoeducation, downloads and videos.

Prior to live sessions, participants are required to review didactics and video demos so they can participate meaningfully.

*Please note: the live sessions are experiential and require a willingness to engage in dyad practice with other participants.


All EET on-demand and live training, tools, materials and are available as follows:

$495 for professionals and $225 for students.

*This course opens January 1, 2025


Dr. Aprilia West PsyD MT PCC - psychologist, executive leadership and team coach, trainer and organizational consultant

About Dr. Aprilia West

Dr. Aprilia West is a psychologist, executive coach, trainer, author, advocacy campaign strategist, and digital health consultant.  She has 20+ years of experience working with founders, leaders, creatives, teams, and organizations spanning U.S. Congress, tech, entertainment, Fortune 500 companies, and nonprofit advocacy campaigns.

Her extensive experience as a psychologist, executive coach, trainer, author, advocacy campaign strategist, and digital health consultant give her a niche understanding of human behavior and how to facilitate wellbeing, peak performance, and prosocial behavior change.

Dr. West's interest in human behavior and choice-making led her to study emotional intelligence, psychological flexibility, resilience and positive psychology. She went on to develop the construct of emotion efficacy— the ability and belief your ability to harness emotional experience, shift your mindset and take action aligned with your values. She explains, “emotion efficacy is what you’d get if emotional intelligence, psychological flexibility and resilience had a love child.”Dr. West designed the Emotion Efficacy Therapy protocol as part of her doctoral studies, as well as the related assessment, the Emotion Efficacy Scale-2 (EES2). She has since developed and expanded the emotion efficacy tools and trainings, including authoring the self-help book, What You Feel Is Not All There Is. She is also co-author of the clinician's guide to Emotion Efficacy Therapy.

Dr. West is known internationally as an expert in the application of behavioral science and conducts professional trainings for coaches and clinicians around the world.

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